‘Paintngs on Stamps’ responses


Apr 2007              Kiev, Ukraine

Thank you!

Your selection is wonderful!


May 2007           Brazil

I started to see your site, very good and beautiful. Of course, it will take me a longer time to go through it all .....

Spasibo i privet


May 2007            USA

WOW! You have quite the collection there, and how impressive that you even created the program to layout the pages.  As a graphic designer I use layouts programs all day long and I wouldn't even know where to begin creating one from scratch.  What you've done is great...


May 2007            Israel

It is absolutely lovely, and all the effort put in it can be clearly seen.

Thank you again!


May 2007            India

Hats off to your collection of 'Paintings on Stamps'. I can well imagine the amount of hard work, research and patience that has gone into it. I really appreciate your grit combined with years of effort. I have lot to learn from people like you. Anyway thanks, and keep doing what are doing best.


May 2007            Romania

I visited your site and I have to say that it is very nice! Well done job!


May 2007           Portugal

Hi, Nice site, I'll look closer this weekend!


May 2007                      USA

Congratulations, you have the most beautiful collection of paintings on stamps and postcards that I ever seen. Your page set up is very nice and you put a lot of effort on investigating the information pertinent to each painting. Last night I check your collection and I did not stop until 4:00 AM. I am planning to check every page. Thanks again for the opportunity to enjoy your beautiful collection


June 2007           Madrid, Spain

Hola, soy Fernando Flores Garcia. He recibido su comunicacion e inmediatamente me he puesto a ver su maravillosa coleccion. Estoy asombrado. De cualquier forma me parece que le falta algun pintor espaсol. Si cree que puedo ayudarle a conseguir  algunos sellos, sobretodo de pintores espaсoles, no dude en decirmelo; estoy a su disposicion.


June 2007            Croatia

I was really enjoying your tremendous collection, congratulations.


June 2007            Bulgaria

Your site is wonderful.


June 2007           Germany

Привет и восхищение от Вашей экспозиции, молодцы.


June 2007                      USA

Congratulations, beautiful site!


June 2007            Mexico

I just saw the Web page and the material that you have. It is really beautiful and interesting what you have done.


June 2007            Sweden

A nicely designed and informative collection, congratulations!


June 2007           South Africa

You have done an amazing job! It is one of the best presented collections of art on stamps collections that I have ever seen - congratulations. You have giving me the encouragement to go on and write up my own somewhat smaller collection of the same topic.


June 2007           India


Its really one of the most beautiful sites I have seen. I can't decide which is most beautiful. The site or the paintings.


January 2008                    USA

Зашел на Ваш сайт, посмотрел, как он  оформлен и, аж, весь иззавидовался. Так у Вас это ловко получилось. Осознаю, что за всем этим - годы упорного труда, преодоления тяготения ленью, и стремление к совершенству. Скажу прямо, великолепная работа.  Коллекция художников подобрана с большим вкусом и изобилует известными именами и шедеврами живописи. Так держать!


June 2008

I admire your idea of arranging the stamps on the same page with postcards. Your collection is nice.


February 2008 (‘Nature and Art’)           USA




Нет, явно у него губа не дура.

Он создал сайт: "Искусство и Натура",

Или точней, "Натура и Искусство",

И будоражит душу, мысли, чувства.

Кому еще вот так мешать охота

Филателию и эрото фото?

Ну, кто еще вам сделает подарок

Из голых женщин и бесценных марок?

Не знаете? Но если бы спросили,

Я бы ответил - Водяницкий Вилли.


July 30, 2009 

Everything on your website regarding the above subject is worth looking at over and over that one never gets tired of and saving on hard disk for a collector like me and you deserve all the awards vested on you..  Keep up the good work!!!


December, 2009           United Kingdom

Your website became the inspiration for me to collect art stamps.  After seeing your finished product displayed on line, do you ever make pages available to other collectors to use?  I really like the way you created your pages telling the history of an artist….. I stand in awe of not only your collection, but also the professionalism in your presentation.
